PdfAction Object


PdfAction represents an action that is performed in response to a certain event (such as a mouse click). This object is creatable via PdfDocument's CreateAction method. For more information, see Section 10.4 - Actions.

Member List


bool IsValid (Read-only)

Returns validity status of the action object. Returns False if the action is of the type GoTo or GoToR and no destination is specified. In all other cases returns True.

For more information, see Section 10.4 - Actions.


void AddNextAction(PdfAction NextAction)
Specifies an action to be performed after this action. NextAction is an object of the type PdfAction. With this method, multiple actions can be chained together into a sequence.

void SetDest(PdfDest Dest)
Specifies a destination to be associated with this action. Dest is an object of the type PdfDest.