PdfRow Object


PdfRow represents an individual row in a PdfTable object. A PdfRow object is obtainable via PdfTables's Rows collection. For more information about tables, see Chapter 7 - Tables.

Member List


object BgColor (Write-only)

Specifies the background color for all cells in this row. Transparent by default. This property accepts either a hexadecimal number such as &HFF0000, or a string with a color name such as "red",

This property is write-only because it may not always be possible to retrieve a single color property for all cells in a row (in case not all colors are the same).

object BorderColor (Write-only)

Specifies the background color for all cells in this row. Black by default. This property accepts either a hexadecimal number such as &HFF0000, or a string with a color name such as "red",

This property is write-only because it may not always be possible to retrieve a single color property for all cells in a row (in case not all colors are the same).

PdfCells Cells (Read-only)
Returns the PdfCells collection of PdfCell objects representing all cells in this row.

bool Fixed (Read/Write)
This property is reserved for future use and currently not supported.

float Height (Read/Write)
Returns or specifies this row's height. Setting this property affects the heights of all cells in this row, as well as the overall table height.

int Index (Read-only)
Returns this row's 1-based index in the Table.Rows collection. Rows are numbered downwards, the topmost row being row #1.

float X (Read-only)
Returns the X coordinate of this row's upper-left corner.

float Y (Read-only)
Returns the Y coordinate of this row's upper-left corner. This property is 0 for Row 1 and negative for all other rows.


void MoveDown(int Rows)
Moves this row down the table by Rows. This method affects this row's Index property.

void MoveUp(int Rows)
Moves this row up the table by Rows. This method affects this row's Index property.